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"Obtaining an environmentally friendly universal disinfectant - AQUALITE (neutral anolyte) used for disinfection in agriculture at livestock, poultry and crop complexes."
The traditional method of using chlorine and chlorine-based disinfectants is a cheap method of cleaning and disinfection, but is it effective and safe enough, and is it cheap?
Progress opens up a new perspective on the products of electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions for disinfection, water purification or other media. The modern AQUALITE disinfectant is a neutral anolyte, which can be widely used thanks to our equipment line.
The technology of electrochemical activation is a new direction in electrochemistry capable of solving important environmental problems of using water resources in technological processes. The patented technology of electrochemical activation is based on a special electrolysis method - diaphragm electrolysis.
Electrochemical treatment of weakly mineralized aqueous solutions of non-concentrated salt solutions (NaCl) converts them into activated, environmentally friendly and highly effective detergents, disinfectants and sterilizers solutions that eliminate all types of anolyte, which eliminate all types of anolyte, 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ destroying microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa), without causing harm to tissue cells of humans, animals and other higher organisms.
Important properties
Our technology makes it possible to obtain a unique multifunctional product that has an exceptionally targeted action, effectively coping with various microorganisms, and makes it possible to effectively disinfect without harm to human health, animals, plants and the environment in the presence of people and animals.
Principle of operation
Electrochemically activated solutions (catholyte and anolyte) are synthesized, respectively, in the cathode and anode chambers of an electrochemical reactor from fresh or salted water at the moment of its flow in the annular gap between the electrode and the diaphragm.
Under the influence of the electric field of the electrical double layer, a nonequilibrium change in the structure of water occurs. The structural network of hydrogen bonds is loosened, water molecules acquire additional degrees of freedom, which ensures a high penetrating ability of activated solutions synthesized in the system.
The result is the production of highly effective disinfectant solutions effective against all known microorganisms, using only three components - WATER, SALT and ELECTRICITY, which made it possible to carry out complete and absolutely safe disinfection, including drinking water, without the use of toxic or dangerous to humans and the environment. , substances.
Equipment - all Anolyte synthesis units are small in size, easy to operate and maintain, environmentally friendly, and can be installed in any room. Do not require special long-term training of personnel to work with it.
crop production
- Storage of fruits:
processing of fruits, containers and equipment with electrochemically activated solutions reduces the loss of fruits from microbiological spoilage to 0.1%, from drying out to 2.8%.
- Growing crops:
studies have shown that the use of electroactivated aqueous solutions in the technology of growing crops is environmentally friendly, cheap and affordable. By following the technology of seed locking and watering plants, the yield can be increased from 30 to 70 % by stimulating their growth and development and increasing resistance to soil pathogens. The use of EVR is especially effective for increasing the germination of old seeds that are in deep dormancy.
the use of ECA allows you to create an environmentally friendly process for the production of nitrogenous fertilizers. Sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium nitrates are synthesized directly from salts (chlorides, sulfates, carbonates) in irrigation water. Water is preliminarily subjected to cathodic treatment, and then nitrogen oxides obtained during plasma-chemical treatment of air are passed through it.
soaking seeds before sowing in K tap water (pH = 10- 11) intensifies seed germination, increases their resistance to viral infections, increases yield and quality.
treatment of grain with K causes the sensitization of destroyed factors of infection of the grain mass (insects, microorganisms) to subsequent treatment with a sprayable biocidal preparation based on A with the addition of emulsifiers. Electrolysis gases are introduced into the atomizing air stream. Processing does not create a background of residual toxicity. The efficiency of grain disinfection is enhanced. The method of disinfecting grain with ECA solutions is distinguished by the availability of working media and high efficiency.
- Catalysis in plant leaves:
it was found that the rate of oxygen evolution during the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide by catalase of wheat grown on activated water is 2 times higher than when using wheat grown on other solutions. The amount of oxygen at the same weight of plants is also higher by 6-12% for wheat grown on activated water.
Livestock, poultry
- Fattening qualities:
the use of ECA water during fattening increases the gain in live weight of animals, the safety of young animals, and reduces the consumption of feed per unit of production.
silage preservative based on anolyte 1% common salt solution meets the requirements of GOST 23638-79, is not inferior in quality to foreign preparations, but is 100 times cheaper. Additional methods have been developed to improve the nutritional value of feed. AN with Cox = 300-400 mg/l can be used as a preservative.
- Treatment:
treatment of diseases of the udder of cows with neutral anolyte
- Equipment:
application of electroactivated solutions for washing and disinfection of meat and dairy equipment. Processing provides almost complete removal of sanitary-indicative and specific microflora.
- Drinking:
pre-slaughter watering of broilers with anolyte with pH = 4.5 significantly reduces the bacterial contamination of the internal cavity of carcasses.
Feeding meat chickens with activated anolyte after preliminary feeding with catholyte reduced the bacterial contamination of the rectal cavity and reduced the risk of bacterial contamination of the surface of the egg shell.
- Feeding:
adding to the diet of chickens grain germinated after treatment with acid anolyte (pH = 2-3) and (or) disinfected with anolyte before feeding is accompanied by an increase in the egg production of birds by 5.8 - 7.7% and an increase in the content of vitamin E in the composition of the egg.
- Treatment:
pre-incubation treatment of eggs with neutral anolyte or acid anolyte, in comparison with treatment with formalin vapor, allows to increase the hatchability of eggs and the hatching of chickens, without adversely affecting their productivity during cultivation.
pre-treatment of duck egg shells with catholyte and anolyte almost completely destroys pathogenic microflora. The output of ducklings after the application of the specified egg processing technology increased by 2.2 %.
cooling carcasses of slaughtered poultry in acid anolyte eliminates the risk of cross-infection. The safety of carcasses during subsequent storage is 100 %.
- Processing:
the use of solutions of neutral anolyte, which does not emit gaseous chlorine into the environment and has a high oxidizing and biocidal activity due to the presence of hypochlorous acid, in the process of irrigating poultry carcasses shows that a single irrigation of poultry carcasses with ANK anolyte (pH 7, Сax = 50 mg/l) in for 15-20 sec. provides a reduction in the level of Salmonella by more than 1.3 orders of magnitude. Irrigation of carcasses with a solution of hypochlorite (pH 10, Cax = 50 mg/l) does not reduce the contamination even by one order of magnitude.
- Air disinfection:
the use of anolyte in the cooling system of incubators inhibits the development of microflora in the air environment of the hatchery.
Property Comparison
In terms of toxicity, deochlor significantly exceeds the indicators of anolyte obtained at our facilities. Based on the conducted toxicological studies of the effect of deochlor and anolyte on warm-blooded animals, it must be stated that deochlor causes certain shifts in biochemical, immunological and functional parameters compared to the control. This gives reason to consider deochlor toxic, and therefore not safe for the health of people exposed to it. Unlike deochlor, Anolyte does not cause adverse changes in the systems of a warm-blooded organism with different routes of intake.
Practical Conclusions
The use of activated water in agriculture allows:
- Shorten the vegetative period, accelerates plant growth and increases the yield of horticultural crops;
- Improve occupational safety and health;
- Refuse storage facilities for long-term storage of disinfectants;
- Significantly reduce the risk of allergic and toxic effects on personnel and animals;
- Reduce the overall toxicological pressure on the farm ecosystem;
- Reduce the time spent on disinfection sessions;
- Refuse expensive vaccinations with antibiotics and vitamins;
- Increase the live weight gain of poultry by 6-13%;
- Provide feed savings by 7-10% due to its better assimilation by the bird's body;
- Allows to reduce a sanitary interval between crops of a bird;
- Ensure effective washing and disinfection of eggs before incubation without the use of harmful chemicals, in particular formalin;
- Improve the quality of chilled poultry carcasses through more complete, less labor-intensive and energy-intensive defeathering.
- Ensure effective disinfection of premises without the use of expensive, environmentally unfriendly chemical disinfectants;
- Regularly save significant material resources for the purchase of disinfectants and detergents.