APPC Group of Companies
Design Production
Construction Engineering
Tel.: +7(910)130-97-27
The beginning and basis of each future object, system, structure is a well-executed, thought out to the smallest detail, balanced PROJECT.
Integrated design from APPS - is the development of projects in full accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008:
Design Sections:
"Explanatory note"
"Scheme of the planning organization of the land"
"Architectural solutions"
"Constructive and space-planning solutions"
"Information about engineering equipment, about networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions"
"Power supply system"
"Water supply system"
"Drainage system"
"Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks"
"Communication networks"
"Gas supply system"
"Technological solutions"
"Construction organization project"
"Project for the organization of work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects"
"List of measures for environmental protection"
"Measures to ensure fire safety"
"Measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities"
"Measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used"
"Estimates for the construction of capital construction projects"
"Other documentation in cases provided for by federal laws"
Design stages:
In accordance with accepted standards, design is carried out in one or two stages.
The essence of the two-stage design is that the documentation necessary for construction is not compiled immediately, but in stages:
At the first stage (stage "P" - Project) , decisions of a fundamental nature are made without detailing concerning the choice of the type of structure, its location, the main architectural, planning and design decisions, the method of construction, the principal schemes of technological processes, decisions on engineering equipment are selected. Consolidated estimates are being carried out, issues of organizing construction are being resolved. All this documentation is sent to the state expertise, which gives its comments and overall assessment of the project. After the designer eliminates the identified deficiencies, the project is considered and approved (or rejected) by the Customer (Investor).
At the second stage (stage "RP" - Working Draft) , working documentation ("RD") is developed. At this stage, the decisions made at the "P" stage are specified and detailed, working drawings, local estimates and other documentation necessary for the production of construction and installation works are drawn up. "Working documentation" - these are the drawings and textual material that is used directly at the construction site (documentation of the "P" stage, as a rule, is not transferred to the builders).
The advantage of such a system is to minimize the cost of reworking design documentation in case of unsuccessful overall solutions. This is the main design method.
With one-stage design, project documentation is prepared immediately in full and contains solutions to all general and particular issues. This is useful for low-volume design work for simple objects, or for linking bulk or reusable projects.
There is also a so-called pre-design study - Conceptual design:
A conceptual design is one of the important stages in the development of project documentation, which is designed to assess the possibility and means of realizing the investor's intentions, as well as to outline ways of implementation. A carefully crafted conceptual design provides a clear basis for further decisions.
During the preparation of the conceptual design, the source data and their analysis play a key role. The unreliability or insufficiency of the initial data can lead to the development of incorrect decisions.
When developing a conceptual design, all technological and design decisions will be made in accordance with the requirements of GOSTs, the requirements of local codes and regulations, as well as in accordance with the data and recommendations of the Customer.
Types of design carried out by specialists APPS:
industrial design
civil engineering
designing "clean rooms"
development technological processes
agro-industrial design
design of floating docks, berths, recreational facilities, hydraulic structures, conversion and modernization of ships
design engineering networks
technical re-equipment
structural calculations
A good designer must rely on experience, on clear logical thinking, and on pedantic accuracy. No magic will help here.
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Professionals in their field - a professional approach to business